據瞭解,若要申請美國的臨床心理學博士,通常都會規定大學或研究所主修心理相關科系,請問如果台北 翻譯社在台灣讀的是醫學系,是否能夠申請美國的臨床心理學博士?感謝回答。
The answer will be no. Psychiatry (a subject within medicine) and clinical psychology (a subject within psychology) are different.
樓上Gary 博士 直接回答你 No 我比較囉嗦 提供一些資料 你可以參考琢磨 請看”majoring in clinical psychology also must complete a sequence ofpracticum courses for intensive training in assessment, diagnosis, therapy, andprofessional practice and, later, a pre-doctoral, extramural, full-time (2,000hours) internship.” 您有嗎?另外 除了 GRE TOEFL 和相關領域的教授推薦信外 如果您可以滿足下面的問題 我認為您可嘗試申請 美國研究所的 Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please submit a Personal Statement (750 word max). This statement should convey your interests, experience, and professional goals. The personal statement is an integral piece of your application and will be considered seriously inadmissions decisions. This document should be written in a narrative style and should minimally include the following points (not necessarily in this order): ? Your area of interest in psychology and the specific problems, theories, or questions in your area ofspecialization that interest you most at this point. ? Past academic, research, and volunteer experiences that have contributed to the development of your interests. Be sure to explain your role and responsibilities in any research and/or clinicalexperiences. ? The kinds ofpsychological work you envision doing as a career after graduate school. ? Reasons for applying XXX clinical program. Fit between your interests and that of atleast oneXXX faculty is a very important criterion for admission. Please explain why you have selected thefaculty member(s) you identified ?|||||我是認為可以申請的,沒有很硬性一定要唸過心理系的人才能申請。 妳的狀況是很 okay 的,不過在妳的讀書計畫會是一個能不能申請上的重點,妳要知道妳為什麼需要申請這個科系,做什麼研究,為什麼對妳會是有興趣的,轉念這個科系對妳的未來到底有啥幫助。。。 至於妳擔心的心理科系,如果她們需要補齊什麼課程,她們會讓妳知道,妳再多上幾堂課就行了,那個不是申請的重點! PHD 8 月就可以申請了,早卡位,機會會比較高!