因為跟朋友打賭所以我要學會唱英文歌比較好唱好記能朗朗上口我一定要贏 更新: 生日歌不可以
Yesterday once moreCarpentersWhen I was youngI'd listen to the radioWaiting for my favorite songsWhen they played I'd sing alongIt made me smileThose were such happy timesAnd not so long agoHow I wondered where they'd goneBut they're back againJust like a long lost friendAll the songs I loved so wellEvery sha-la-la-laEvery wo-o-wo-oStill shinesEvery shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they're starting to singSo fineWhen they get to the part where he's breaking her heartIt can really make me cryJust like beforeIt's yesterday once moreLooking back on how it was in years gone byAnd the good times that I hadMakes today seem rather sadSo much has changedIt was songs of love that I would sing to thenAnd I'd memorize each wordThose old melodiesStill sound so good to meAs they melt the years awayAll my best memoriesCome back clearly to meSome can even make me cryJust like beforeIt's yesterday once more昨日重現木匠兄妹合唱團當我年輕時我常聽著收音機等待我最喜愛的歌曲播出時就跟著哼哼唱唱那總是使我面露微笑那真是一段快樂的時光就在不久以前我很想知道它們到哪裡去了但它們終究回來了像個失去聯絡很久的朋友每一首歌都是我的最愛每一句Sha-la-la-la每一句Wo-o-wo-o依然動人每一句shing-a-ling-a-ling它們就是這麼開始唱的真是美極了……當唱到他傷了她的心那一段真的會使我傷心落淚就像從前一樣彷彿昨日重現回顧歲月的流逝以及我擁有的美好時光相較之下,如今多麼可悲物事已非那是我當時唱的情歌我還記得每一句歌詞那些古老的旋律聽起來依然甜美把歲月都融化了我最美好的回憶歷歷如繪的回到我面前有些甚至會使我哭泣就像從前一樣彷彿昨日重現.The Carpenters :木匠兄妹合唱團,哥哥理查卡本特專司作詞作曲、鋼琴及和聲,妹妹凱倫卡本特負責演唱,兩人在70年代合作出許多膾炙人口的佳作。凱倫溫婉可人的歌喉,曾是美國人最鍾愛的聲音,然進入80年代中期,凱倫因減肥失當,引發厭食症,最後形銷骨立,因營養不良而辭世,令廣大歌迷唏噓不已,但其美麗的歌聲將永遠流傳下去………。以下是摘自2003.10.12 中國時報的報導日劇依舊鍾愛木匠兄妹歌聲田瑜萍/綜合報導今年是「木匠兄妹」出道34年週年,也是凱倫卡本特因厭食症過世的20週年。而20年前的今天,卡本特兄妹的星光標記,登上了好萊塢中國戲院前的星光大道,雖然凱倫無緣親眼看見,但多年來她的歌聲一直受到各年齡層歌迷的喜愛,就連日本多齣偶像劇主題曲,仍選擇凱倫的歌聲作為主題曲,打敗不少角逐的日本偶像歌手。 在日本,「木匠兄妹」精選輯銷售達260多萬張,與披頭四成為日本專輯銷售數一數二的西洋藝人;而他們的歌曲,也常成為日劇或綜藝節目的主題曲及配樂,像是日劇「未成年」及綜藝節目「校園封神榜」。而日本富士電視台9月大戲,由奧菜惠、堤真一擔綱主演的「Beginner」,主題曲就是「木匠兄妹」的「Top of the World」。 「木匠兄妹」踏入樂壇之際,正是1960、1970年代迷幻搖滾當道之際,當時唱片公司並不看好木匠兄妹輕軟的歌聲;直到1969年,A&M唱片對凱倫的嗓音驚為天人,簽下唱片合約後,同年單曲「Close To You」即登上美國告示牌冠軍,還抱走3座葛萊美獎,木匠兄妹因此一炮而紅,連當時的美國總統尼克森一家人,都是他們兄妹倆的歌迷,不但請他們到白宮見面聊天,還邀請他們到白宮為西德總理獻唱,並由尼克森總統親自介紹出場,稱讚他們是美國最年輕優秀的樂團。 1983年2月4日,32歲的凱倫因長期厭食引發心臟衰竭而去世,尼克森親筆寫下一封弔唁信,讓哥哥理查感動不已,美國電影界也拍攝了一部紀錄片「超級巨星」,以芭比娃娃來詮釋凱倫卡本特如何成為神經性厭食症的受害者,終至服用一種會引起嘔吐的藥過量而死亡。導演願意把所得全捐給凱倫卡本特紀念基金會供作厭食症的研究,無奈卡本特家族不願重提傷心事,因此「超級巨星」無法進行商業播映,已被木匠兄妹的樂迷視為可遇不可求的地下電影。http://www.tacocity.com.tw/abs1984/lyrics.htm好學易唱,適合入門初學者(英文或 英文歌)
老哥好唱啦..因為慢..咬字也比較不會連音.. 就Can't Take My Eyes Off You吧.. 好唱..副歌還可以HIGH..|||||Gareth Gates葛瑞蓋斯的Anyone Of Us(Stupid Mistake) 旋律輕快 好聽又好學 可以試試看喔!! I've been letting you down, down Girl I know I've been such a fool Giving in to temptation When I should've played it cool The situation got out of hand I hope you understand [Chorus] It can happen to.. Anyone of us, anyone you think of Anyone can fall Anyone can hurt someone they love Hearts will break 'Cause I made a stupid mistake It can happen to.. Anyone of us, say you will forgive me Anyone can fail Say you will believe me I can't take my heart will break 'Cause I made a stupid mistake A stupid mistake She was kind of exciting A little crazy I should've known She must have altered my senses 'Cause I offered to walk her home The situation got out of hand I hope you understand [Chorus] A stupid mistake she means nothing to me (nothing to me) I swear every word is true don't wanna lose you *或是Avril艾薇兒的I'm With You I'm Standing on a bridge I'm waitin in the dark I thought that you'd be here by now Theres nothing but the rain No footsteps on the ground I'm listening but theres no sound Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somebody come take me home It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with you I'm with you im looking for a place searching for a face is anybody here i know cause nothings going right and everythigns a mess and no one likes to be alone Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somebody come take me home It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with you I'm with you oh why is everything so confusing maybe I'm just out of my mind yea yea yea It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with you I'm with you Take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with you I'm with you Take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you 嗯~就試試看吧!!像Avril,Greath,Blue這些比較流行的都可以學學看唷!! 就祝你贏吧^_^|||||布蘭妮的lucky 單字簡單幾乎都看得懂~節奏輕快 Lucky This is a story about a girl named Lucky... Early morning,she wakes up Knock, knock, knock on the door It's time for make up,perfect smile It's you they're all waiting for They go... "Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" CHORUS And they say...She's so lucky, she's a star But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart, thinking If there's nothing missing in my life Then why do these tears come at night? Lost in an image (image), in a dream But no one there to wake her up And the world is spinning, and she keeps on winning, But tell me what happens whenit stops? They go..."Isn't she lovely, this Hollywood girl?" CHORUS "Best actress, and the winner is...Lucky!" "I'm Roger Johnson for Pop News standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky!""Oh, my God...here she comes!" Isn't she lucky, this Hollywood girl? She is so lucky, but why does she cry? If there is nothing missing in her life Why do tears come at night? CHORUS-repeat|||||西城男孩的Seasons In The Sun還蠻好學的喔!! 也很好聽.. 9.Seasons In The Sun Goodbye to you my trusted friend We’ve know each other since we were nine or ten Together we’ve climbed hills and trees Learned of love and ABC’s Skinned our hearts and Skinned our knees Goodbye my friend it’s hard to die But all the birds are singing in the sky Now that spring is in the air Pretty girls are everywhere Think of me and I’ll be there We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were Just seasons out of time Goodbye Papa please pray for me I was the black sheep of the family You tried to teach me right from wrong Too much wine and too much song Wonder how I got along Goodbye papa it’s hard to die When all the birds ate singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air Little children everywhere When you see them I’ll be there We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone Goodbye Michelle my little one You gave me lice and helped me find the sun And every time that I was down You would always come around And get my feet back on the ground Goodbye Michelle it’s hard to die When all the birds are singing in the sky Now that the spring is in the air With the flowers everywhere I wish that we could both be there (Repeat) But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone All our lives we had fun we had seasons in the sun Just seasons out of time (中文翻譯) 我信任的好友要和你說再見了 我們從約莫九、十歲就已相識 我們一起爬山地與大樹 學習愛與ABC 身體與心靈都一起受過傷 再見了我的好友要死去真的很難 小鳥在天空悠悠高唱 現在春天的腳步也已近了 美麗的女孩俿處可見 想到我時我就會在你身邊 我會曾有歡笑曾有快樂 我們曾有陽光季節 但我們攀爬的山丘 似手時節已經不對 再見爸爸請為我祈禱 我是家中叛逆的小孩 你試著教我分辨是非 太多的酒與太多的歌曲 不知我是如何經歷這些的 再見爸爸死亡不是很容易的 小鳥在天空悠悠高唱 現在春天的腳步也已近了 到處都是孩童的踨跡 當你看到他們時我就在那兒 我們曾有歡笑曾有快樂 我們曾有陽光季節 但如那季即的酒與歌 似乎都已遠去 我們曾有歡笑曾有快樂 我們曾有陽光季節 但如那季節的酒與歌 似乎都已遠去 再見了蜜雪兒我的寶貝 你給我真愛幫助我找到陽光 每當我沮喪 你總會來到我的身邊 幫助我再站起來 再見蜜雪兒死亡不是很官易的 小鳥在高天空悠悠高唱 現在春天的腳步也已近了 到處都是花朵的踨跡 我盼望我們一起在那兒 我們曾有歡笑曾有快樂 我們曾有陽光季節 我們所能伸手可及的星星 就是沙灘的海星 但如那季節的酒與歌 似乎都已遠去 我們生活中有許多樂趣 我們曾有陽季節 但我們攀爬的山丘 似乎時節已不對|||||生日快樂歌